Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Use of CTE along with PIVOTING

;with cte
select cb.name as Branch, cee.entity_fk as entity, cee.id, cee.emp_code, cee.first_name +' '+ cee.last_name as Employee,
es.salary_component_fk as component, es.amount
from employee cee
inner join entity ee on ee.id = cee.entity_fk
inner join branch cb on cb.id = ee.branch_fk
inner join salary es on es.employee_fk= cee.id
where --cee.entity_fk = 3 and
cee.emp_code is not null
and cee.dol is null
and cee.active = 1
and es.active = 1
and es.amount > 0
select Branch,emp_code, Employee, Isnull([1],0) as [Basic],Isnull([2],0) as HRA,Isnull([3],0 ) as [TPL All],Isnull([4],0) as [SPL All],
(Isnull([1],0) + Isnull([2],0) + Isnull([3],0) + Isnull([4],0)) as Total

from (select Branch, entity, id, emp_code,Employee, component, amount from cte) AS vs
PIVOT (sum(amount) FOR component in([1], [2], [3], [4])) AS p

order by Branch, entity, CAST(SUBSTRING(emp_code,5,len(emp_code)) AS INT)

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